Getting Started
How to Get Started Using F9 Products & Get the Most Out of the F9 Product Line
Getting Started
Important Note: You do NOT need to be an “Authorized Applicator” to apply our products. You just need to be in the business of pressure washing or professional cleaning.
- Purchase 1 Case of F9 Products. This can be purchased through any one of our F9 Distributors or through the F9 Store. At least one Gallon of F9 BARC must be part of the 4-gallon purchase. Here is a direct link to the 1 Case Sample Pack.
- Purchase the F9 Cookbook available in either the 100 Page Fully Laminated Hard Copy or the Mobile App available on Google Play and the Apple Store. Or get both! Get the Hard Copy for your Office and the App for your Tech’s Mobile Devices.
- 100 Page F9 Laminated Cookbook $199.00
- Google Play App $1.00
- Apple App $1.00
What are the Benefits of the F9 Cookbook? Learn 1000’s of Inorganic stain restoration combinations with over 140 uses with just the 4-F9 Products. Provided are Step-by-Step Instructions to simplify and systemize all of your inorganic cleaning processes.
- Join Our Professional F9 Facebook Group: Front 9 Restoration Professionals. Here you will find a plethora of information on our products and get questions answered by expert users of our Products.
Excellent Free Marketing Option: Join the F9 TEAM and Become an F9 Authorized Applicator. Important Note: You do NOT need to be an “Authorized Applicator” to apply our products. You just need to be in the business of pressure washing or professional cleaning.
CLICK HERE to learn more about the F9 TEAM and how this program works to funnel over 3 Million Dollars a year of work directly to the National Force of Professional Pressure Washing Contractors who apply F9 Products: YOU!
If you are already part F9 TEAM and are an Authorized Applicator, CLICK HERE to get your set of Premium Truck/Trailer Decals.

Thank you,
Craig Harrison